OUR NEXT ROUND IS SOON! [and Early Bird ends soon]

We will be beginning the next round of Being Big in February 13 after the Anoint Yourself Event. Get Early Bird Pricing NOW!

How to OWN your Bigness,

heal and shed your Armors of Smallness (aka your limiting beliefs),

and make more money in your business

without the "typical mindset work" you've already done

so that it STICKS (those other strategies don't really work in the long run b-t-dubs)

This is the ONLY Mindset + Visibility program you will ever need.

This is the program that will actually get you on that "stage".

This is the program that will actually help you access those strategies you KNOW you need to be doing right now to get visible and be seen by more people.

This is the program where you and your body learn to feel SAFE to be BIG.

If you...

- aren't where you want to be right now in your business or have ever thought...
"I should be ______"

- feel something holding you back, maybe you know what it is, maybe you don't

- desire to expand and attract more of the right people

- want more ease and flow in your marketing and how you show up

- want to be seen and heard by MORE people and to grow your audience

- are ready to make more money by owning who you are and spreading your movement

- desire to stop wondering about what to say, when to say it, and how to say it

- are REALLY good at what you do

Being Big is for you...

Keep Reading...

How would it feel...

  • To feel SAFE to be SEEN (I mean... BE. SEEN)

  • To have clients sending you messages to work with you after experiencing your content

  • To show up with confidence and conviction in who you are and what you are capable of

  • To make more money through being you (and allowing it to be easy)

  • To no longer hold yourself back from bigness (meaning you no longer sabotage launches, sales, visibility, opportunities)

  • To be recognized for your expertise and to become a thought leader

  • To be on a STAGE (whatever stage means to you)

  • To break through any glass ceilings you have experienced before

  • To heal past traumas, limiting beliefs, unhelpful programming so that you RISE

You can feel all this BIGNESS (and more) if you make the conscious and continuous choice to reprogram your relationship with who you are, who you are meant to be, and heal what's holding you back and most importantly...

and rewire your nervous system for BEING BIG.

To do this,

I created an experience called Money Breathwork.

Using breathwork to not only HEAL your relationship with yourself, with your business, with who you are meant to be (through the body, into the mind),

but to EXPAND into a co-creation with universe (who wants you to be BIG),

a co-creation with your next level self,

And become a magnet for money, BIGNESS opportunities, more clients,

and of course, more freedom and JOY.

Money Breathwork is a simultaneous process of doing the deep healing work necessary to re-wire your relationship with yourself, your past, and your future AND the expansion work.
You are carrying a particular Bigness blueprint with you. It’s from childhood. It’s from generations before you. It’s from a couple years ago.

It has dictated what happens in your business. It has dictated what happens in your bank account. It has dictated what happens between you and money. It has dictated how you show up and the energy that is tethered to your content.

But the good news is that it gets to change.

Money Breathwork is the holistic, WHOLE BODY APPROACH (body, mind, spirit, soul), to expanding into Bigness.

And the ONLY place to get it,

The only place to do this deep transformational, change the cells in your body, regulate your nervous system to align and calibrate with BIGNESS,

Is inside Being Big.


Being Big

Being Big is a signature program of Money Breathwork™ and has now transformed into a mastermind experience.

This program helps you to activate your BIGNESS, allowing you to claim your space as a leader in your industry, activate your voice, and take the stage through regulating your nervous systems to a new way of being.

In order to do that, you have to acknowledge what is currently holding you back, we call them the Armors of Smallness, literally the beliefs, codes, and programs within you that keep you small.  Heal them. Take them off. Transmute them.

So that you can RISE into Bigness.

Currently, you are operating underneath the belief that it’s safe to stay small.

In Being Big, we intentionally expand you into the belief that its safe to BE BIG.

Many of my clients come to me looking for the "secret". The secret to business success. The secret to making more money. The secret to being seen.

The secret that all those other entrepreneurs seem to know that they don't.

I often tell them, "There is no "secret." And in reality. There isn't. Because the secret isn't outside of you....

The secret IS you.

And I've figured out the best way to access it...

The "secret" you've been looking for is Money Breathwork.

Money Breathwork is the ONLY tool that combines ALL parts of you, targets the EXACT thing that's holding you back (and heals/releases it), and ILLUMINATES the light on your path.

You've probably done a lot of mindset work just like me. Am I right? You've done the journal prompts, the visualizations, the affirmations. But nothing is working or rather... nothing is sticking. Money Breathwork is not your typical money mindset "strategy." But it will take you farther than any of those typical strategies can, or will.

It is the BEST way to create a business that not only brings in Big Money Months and gets you SEEN and VALUED, but that feeds your SOUL, lights you up, and provides the BEST results for your clients. It takes you deeper than you've ever gone. Dropping you into your subconscious, your body and your inner programming so that you can make the necessary changes and rewiring to actually manifest and create the money and visibility momentum you've been craving.

There is ONLY ONE place to experience the MAGIC of Money Breathwork™ to finally heal your limiting beliefs...

Being Big.

The experience that takes you on a deep, transformational journey with the most important part of your business... YOU. Calibrating your Nervous System with the energy of BIGNESS, while finding safety to be truly seen. Being Big supports you not only in your healing and releasing of old toxic patterns, we call them the Armors of Smallness, but expands you into new realms of possibility and potentiality with who you get to BE AND incites you into ALIGNED ACTION and getting visible in new and impactful ways. You are supported in your journey fully. You are held through the transmuting of traumas, core limiting beliefs, and outdated programming. You are held through your expansion. And you are encouraged to BE the WEALTHY WOMAN you ARE in your every day life and business.

How Being Big will transform you into someone you don't even recognize...

The BIG version of you. (Bigger than you can possibly even imagine right now because your Armors of masking the possibilities).

All Money Breathwork programs are breathwork based.

Breathwork Workshops include a training/transmission, targeted journal prompts, and a transformational, meditative Breathwork Session. Each designed to take you deeper into your relationship with yourself, money and your business, heal the parts of you that need to heal, reprogram and rewire your current self-concept to align with who you desire to be.

Ultimately, this expands you into money magnetism.

With the power of Money Breathwork and the way these workshops are structured, this all gets to happen all at the same time.

Your body holds the key to creating more money in your business. Money Breathwork is how you unlock it...

Let's take a look into the program.

Phase 1: The Armors of Smallness

During Phase 1, we are going to focus on healing, releasing and taking off your Armors of Smallness. These are the Armors that keep you from showing up in your magnetism, wholly as you, and allowing you to step into your bigness and take up SPACE.

We all have these Armors in one way, shape, or form at some point during our growth. One might be feeling extra large now, and as you grow, a different one pops up. These are some of the most breathed workshops in the Money Breathwork™ library as my clients are consistently stepping into more and more of who they are.

Each one of these Armors have something to teach you and somewhere to expand you.

Due to these breathworks already being instantly available to you in your Being Big vault, we will evaluate what the current group needs for our live breathwork experiences.

The Core Armors

Core Armors are our deepest armors. Most of our other armors are masking the Core Armors. Compounded work in these Core Armors will result in a shedding of old selves, old paradigms, and the ways of being that do not serve you any longer.

Fear of Success

Fear of Failure


Imposter Syndrome


The Distractor Armors

Distractor Armors tend to be the "recognizable" armors and are always a good way "into" the healing and expansion work. We often think this is where the "problem" lies, but they really point to a Core Armor. We still need to do work here in order to actually move forward with who you are and what you want to accomplish.





Knowledge Gap

(aka Shiny Object Syndrome)


Emotion Armors

Distractor Armors tend to be the "recognizable" armors and are always a good way "into" the healing and expansion work.





Client results with Money Breathwork will blow you away.

Here are just a few examples for you below...

$10k in 10 days and becoming a leader in her niche

Watch to hear Kierra's experience with Money Breathwork.

Left her job of 10 years and Confident AF

Watch to hear Tysons's journey with Money Breathwork.

Phase 2: Bigness Activation

We will dive into activating your BIGNESS. Creating breathworks for specific actions that you are going to take as you step into your bigness (permission to add more as we go!) and providing the deep transformational work to activate your voice and allow you to take up MORE SPACE without even doing more.

These modules will contain Bigness Activations [energetically shifting you INTO bigness] and Action Activations [MOVING you into action on that bigness].

Phase 3: The Bigness Accelerator

A 21 day intensive designed to get you visible with confidence, bigness, and money magnetism

A 21 day journey with a breathwork for each day.

A mix of integrative and meditative workshops not only from Being Big (the majority) but modules from Money Magnet, Sales Alchemy, and select workshops.

Accelerators have only been available to Business Expansion Experience until now!

What's inside the FOUR-MONTH Being Big Mastermind:


The LIVE Mastermind

This is unlike ANY OTHER Money Breathwork program. We are LIVE together for close to 4 months. This is a MASTERMIND. A place where you will be unrecognizable at the end.

Value: $12000


The Being Big Vault

You have INSTANT access to the Being Big Vault. The more you hang out in here, the bigger the breakthroughs, the more money you make. Inside the vault, you already have access to 18+ transformational breathwork journeys and 3+ short powerful integrative breathworks. Every session is different.

Value: $11,111


Monthly Collaboration Calls

Honestly, these are what I am MOST excited about. The Monthly Collaboration Calls are where you not only get to practice being seen in a safe place and taking up SPACE, but making an ask of the group for support, collaboration, and growth opportunities. This is where WE RISE TOGETHER happens.

Value: $9999


Weekly Coaching + Personalized Recommendations

You have access to a private Facebook group where you have access to personalized coaching from me. I recommend popping into the group at least ONCE a week and discussing where you currently are, your current struggles, and where you'd like to expand. I can then point you to the perfect module for you throughout our vault. We can create your OWN PERSONAL ROADMAP towards your expansion.

Value: $5328


Private Community + Sisterhood

We have cultivated a powerful, tight-knit community where you can go to celebrate, to ask questions, to connect, to FEEL. You get to GIVE support and RECEIVE support in your money journey.

Value: $2222


Monthly Continuation Workshops

Every month between the live experience, we host a LIVE Being Big Workshop. It's based on what's coming up within the group (so be ACTIVE) and where we need to go deeper into your relationship with Bigness + the Armors. They are a place to meet live together as a group, connect, and breakthrough.

Value: $3996

Watch Below to see the power of Money Breathwork

Clear on her offer, signing clients and embodying Belief like never before

Watch to hear Corinne's experience with Money Breathwork.

Taking Targeted Action, manifesting leads, and feeling better than ever

Watch to hear Jenns's journey with Money Breathwork.

A total value of: $33,767

Now OPEN...

Join now for $597 $388/month

A savings of 35%!

There are TWO ways to access Being Big

The Being Big Mastermind

REMINDER: This is a 4-Month commitment.

  • FOUR MONTHS access to The Being Big Vault (VALUE $7,777)

  • LIVE 4-month group program (VALUE $12,000)

  • 21 Day Visibility Accelerator (VALUE $3333)

  • Monthly Community Collaboration Calls (VALUE $5555)

  • Access to the Visible Impact Course (VALUE $1555)

  • FOUR MONTHS access to all workshop replays/recordings (VALUE $9999)

  • ONE continuation Module EVERY MONTH (VALUE $3996)

  • Weekly Coaching + Personalized Recommendations (VALUE $5328)

  • Private Community + Support (VALUE $2222)

  • BONUS - "Bigness Blockers" Mini-Meds Breathwork Activations (VALUE $2222)

VALUE $53,987


$797/month or $2888 PIF


The Business Expansion Experience

This is a YEAR commitment. It is not a month-to-month membership. It is a 12-month program. There is a Discount for Pay in Full and additionally a bi-weekly payment plan.

  • The Being Big Mastermind (VALUE $12,997)

  • The Money Magnet Vault (VALUE $11,111)

  • The Sales Alchemy Vault (VALUE $8888)

  • The Business Expansion Experience Vault. Over 200+ breathworks available INSTANTLY. (VALUE $22,222)

  • ONE LIVE 4-week Money Magnet Programs in 2024 (VALUE $9999)

  • ONE LIVE 4-week Sales Alchemy Programs in 2024 (VALUE $9999)

  • Monthly Workshops on various topics (VALUE $7777)

  • ONE continuation Module EVERY MONTH between Programs for each program (VALUE $11,1111)

  • Weekly Coaching + Personalized Recommendations (VALUE $5328)

  • Private Community + Support for each program (VALUE $2222)


  • Breakthrough Portal 12-Month Membership (VALUE $7,777)

  • Raise The Frequency 12-Month Membership (VALUE $3333)

  • Upgrade Codes Workshop (VALUE $888)

  • Big Money Months Workshop (VALUE $888)

  • Brave Workshop (VALUE $555)

  • Expressed Workshop (VALUE $1,111)

  • Send me the Link Workshop (VALUE $555)

  • The Cusp Workshop (VALUE $555)

  • The Momentum Accelerator (VALUE $1,555)

  • The Launched Accelerator (VALUE $1555)

  • Moon Magic (VALUE $1555)

  • Motherhood Program (VALUE $1888) - COMING May 2024

  • Leadership Program (VALUE $3333) - COMING August 2024

  • Deserve to Thrive Program (VALUE $2222) - STARTING February 2024

VALUE $150,640+


$1111/month or $11,111

Still wondering if Money Breathwork will work for you?

100% Results Guaranteed

If you Join and you’re you don't make your money back over the next year, here's what we will do...

My mission is for your business to grow. Your business growing is a reflection of you getting your SOUL WORK out into the world and getting PAID for it. So if you show up, do the work, you come to live workshops, you participate in the group, you breathe between live workshops, you complete all programs and STILL (I honestly DO NOT see this happening) don't cover your investment (aka make your money back), you will KEEP ACCESS until you do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I receive 1:1 access to Alessandra?

The access you get to Alessandra is both on the LIVE calls and inside the Facebook group. The more you participate, the more coaching and insight you will receive.

What time are the LIVE calls?

The live call times vary but are often in the morning MST or PST time between 9am-12pm. (Alessandra lives in Arizona which does not participate in daylight savings so half the year is PST and half the year MST). There are occasionally calls in the afternoon when needed, but they are typically in the morning.

This is a lot. I tend to fall behind in programs. How do I even start?

What I recommend is this, when you join, hop into the group and immediately put the live calls on your calendar to prioritize those. Then reflect on where you currently are in your business and where you desire help. Write a post in the group so I can identify the breathwork that would be most helpful in this area. You keep doing that, you'll get exactly what you need.

Breathwork is intense. Do I have to do it every day to get the results you speak about?

You do not have to do meditative (or integrative) breathwork every day to get results. I recommend 2-3 times per week for meditative sessions and peppering in integrative sessions as you go. If all you have time for is 1 or 2 per week, that will STILL move you forward and be highly beneficial to you.

Is there strategy coaching included?

As you will have access to the Booked Out Business Library, you will have the opportunity to ask questions inside the group. Many breathwork breakthroughs also lead to strategy questions, so sometimes there will be strategy coaching before or after breathwork during workshops.

When do I get access to the vault?

Instantly. You get access to all past recorded programs instantly upon registration and can begin diving in right away!

A $53,987 Value

The Being Big Mastermind

  • One year access to The Being Big Vault (VALUE $7,777)

  • LIVE 4-month group program (VALUE $12,000)

  • 21 Day Visibility Accelerator (VALUE $3333)

  • Monthly Community Collaboration Calls (VALUE $5555)

  • Access to the Visible Impact Course (VALUE $1555)

  • One year access to all workshop replays/recordings (VALUE $9999)

  • ONE continuation Module EVERY MONTH (VALUE $3996)

  • Weekly Coaching + Personalized Recommendations (VALUE $5328)

  • Private Community + Support (VALUE $2222)

  • BONUS - "Bigness Blockers" Mini-Meds Breathwork Activations (VALUE $2222)

© Copyright 2024 Alessandra Caprice Coaching