How to make consistent, compounding sales in your business (meaning MORE CLIENTS + GROWING REVENUE) without the hustle

even if has felt like nothing is working (and/or you feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING!) 

The ONLY Sales Program you will EVER need.

The industry is changing...

You can't just rely on strategy anymore.

And you can't just rely on energetics anymore.

And you DEFINITELY cannot rely on mindset work or just dealing with your mind if you want actual compounding GROWING results.

You need something that is FAST, EFFECTIVE and helps you access your sales and launch strategy with EASE.

You need something that is going to ENHANCE your magic and magnetism, allowing you to attract your soulmate clients without DOING ALL THE THINGS.

You need something that helps you access your power, sell the heck out of your offers, and release the sales and launch exhaustion, anxiety, and overwhelm FOR. GOOD.

I have something for you.

Keep reading...

Have you ever had thoughts like these:

  • There is no one left in my audience who will buy

  • No one is listening to me!

  • People reach out and then they ghost me, I must be doing something wrong


  • I sent the link out to 5 people and no one has bought yet

  • My audience is too small

  • What if NO ONE BUYS??

  • Everyone who is going to buy has already bought

  • I’ve never hit my sales goals before, why would I hit it now?

  • [launching a group program] What if only ONE buys?!

  • How do I stand out? Why would they pick me when ______ has a “similar” program?

  • Why me? Am I really THAT valuable?

  • Who do I think I am? 

  • They’d be crazy to believe I’m worth THAT much

  • What if they’re not ready? 

  • They’re just going to say no.

  • What if it’s too expensive?

I have had EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. THESE. THOUGHTS. in my 6 years of online entrepreneurship.

So I get it.

ohhhhhhh do I get it!

But these thoughts are now fewer and farther between.

They used to consume me. Pull me out of my sales confidence. Causing me to drop the energy in my launches.

And also magnetize the WRONG clients.

I don't want this for you.

I invite you to take a moment and imagine...

🌬 Speaking without worry of what to say, how to say it, or when to say it
🌬 Having confidence in your launch process
🌬 Believing no matter how big your audience was that your next client was ALREADY WATCHING
🌬 Releasing your stories around money and sales
🌬 Hearing the pretty buzz of the stripe or paypal notification as you watch your bank balance grow
🌬 Building generational wealth for your family 
🌬 Stopping the pattern of generational money stories and money trauma

🌬 Having more FUN than you have ever had IN SALES (🤯🤯🤯 I know right?!

🌬 Creating a Ripple of Impact that extends further than you can even comprehend

You do this through deepening your relationship with SALES and SELLING.

The way to more money in your business, more clients in your business, is becoming a master of SALES.

(and by master, I don't mean learning all the sales strategy - I mean mastering the ENERGY of SALES so you can show up powerfully inside your chosen sales strategy).

To create this in your life and your business...

It’s time to activate your sales magnetism.

And I can show you how.

I created a framework called Money Breathwork.

Using breathwork to not only HEAL your relationship with sales (through the body, into the mind), but to EXPAND into a co-creation with your business AND your potential clients,

entering into a JOY with sales, promotion and launching...

Becoming a MAGNET for the most aligned clients.

Money Breathwork is a simultaneous process of doing the deep healing work necessary to re-wire your relationship with sales, with money, with your programs, and most importantly, with YOURSELF.
You are carrying a particular money blueprint with you. It’s from childhood. It’s from generations before you. It’s from a couple years ago.

It has dictated what happens in your business. It has dictated what happens in your bank account. It has dictated what happens between you and money.

But the good news is that it gets to change.

Money Breathwork is the holistic, WHOLE BODY APPROACH (body, mind, spirit, soul), to expanding with your business.

And the ONLY place to get it,

The only place to do this deep transformational, change the cells in your body, regulate your nervous system to align and calibrate with RECEIVING...

Receiving IDEAS,

Receiving EASE,

Receiving CLIENTS,

Receiving consistent SALES...

Is inside Sales Alchemy.


Sales Alchemy

The ONLY sales program that regulates your nervous system to RECEIVE more, while healing your past traumas and limiting beliefs, AND expanding into a new MAGNETIC version of yourself.

No more hiding from your blocks.

No more skirting around the real issues that are keeping you stuck in your business and keep you from making more sales.

No more STAYING SMALL with money and hiding behind your fears.

Sales Alchemy will reveal EXACTLY what is going on, so you can heal it once and for all. AND SHOW THE HECK UP in your sales magnetism.

You might not be able to explain it (like many of my clients),

but my gosh,


Welcome to the most fun and powerful way to become an Alchemist  in your business.

Turning ideal POTENTIAL clients into ideal PAYING clients.

Turning IDEAS into Money in your bank account.

Turning your current state in your business (one of ups and downs, frustrations and periodic triumphs) into the DREAM STATE of your business (one of consistent and compounded growth, stability, safety, and a whole lot of FUN). 

This is THE program to become magnetic in your SALES.

The kind of magnetism that has people coming out of NOWHERE saying, I'm ready, Send me the Link.

The kind of magnetism that has your IDEAL CLIENTS joining your programs and showing up, and most importantly, GETTING MASSIVE RESULTS.

The kind of magnetism that makes it FUN to launch, to sell, to let money flow into you and your business in the most ALIGNED way.

The "secret" you've been looking for is Money Breathwork.

Money Breathwork is the ONLY tool that combines ALL parts of you, targets the EXACT thing that's holding you back (and heals/releases it), and ILLUMINATES the light on your path.

You've probably done a lot of money mindset work. Am I right? You've done the journal prompts, the visualizations, the affirmations. But nothing is working. Money Breathwork is not your typical money mindset "strategy." But it will take you farther than any of those typical strategies can, or will.

It is the BEST way to create a business that not only brings in Big Money Months, but that feeds your SOUL, lights you up, and provides the BEST results for your clients. It takes you deeper than you've ever gone. Dropping you into your subconscious, your body and your inner programming so that you can make the necessary changes and rewiring to actually manifest and create the money momentum you've been craving.

There is ONLY ONE place to experience the MAGIC of Money Breathwork in order to active more aligned sales in your business...

Sales Alchemy.

The experience that takes you on a deep, transformational journey with sales. Calibrating your Nervous System with the energy of receiving MORE (ideal clients reaching out to YOU, aligned ideas that fly off the virtual shelves, and money in your bank account), while finding safety in the big leaps. Sales Alchemy supports you not only in your healing and releasing of old toxic patterns with sales, but expands you into new realms of possibility and potentiality with sales AND incites you into ALIGNED ACTION (meaning your sales activities are more magnetic, more FUN, and way easier to actually execute). You are supported in your journey fully. You are held through the transmuting of sales traumas you hold, your own armors of smallness that keep you "invisible", and how to heal AND expand at the same time. You are held through your expansion. And you are encouraged to BE the WEALTHY MAGNETIC WOMAN you ARE in your every day life and business.

How Sales Alchemy will Transform your ability to Magnetize your Ideal Clients.

A look inside the Foundational Modules of Sales Alchemy

Each LIVE Sales Alchemy round is made up of SIX Money Breathwork Workshops.

Breathwork Workshops include a training/transmission, targeted journal prompts, and a transformational, meditative Breathwork Session. Each designed to take you deeper into your relationship with sales (and yourself), heal the parts of you that need to heal, reprogram and rewire your current money + sales blueprint to align with your sales desires, and expand you into client magnetism.

With the power of Money Breathwork and the way these workshops are structured, this all gets to happen all at the same time.

Your body holds the key to creating more money and sales in your business.

Money Breathwork is how you unlock it...

Sales Alchemy is divided into two parts.

The Meditative Deep Transformation - The deep energetics and healing work that needs to be done in order to reprogram your relationship with money and sales to step into bold confidence and conviction in yourself and your programs/services.

These are the Modules of the Program. These are the transformational journeys you will take. (see below for the breakdown)

The Integrative Action - The other is the ACTION. Sales requires action. Sales requires MOVEMENT. Sales requires putting yourself out there in a magnetic way.

Module 1

Irresistible Soul-Led Offers

(already inside your vault)

The offers that sell out are those that come from your soul, not from the “shoulds”. This module drops you into your soul and either helps you re-work your current offer, or align you with the right offer to turn on your sold-out magnetism.

Module 2

Conviction in your Product

(already inside your vault)

 In order to sell your programs/services and make the money you desire, you need to have conviction in your product. This module helps you connect to the purpose and why of your program/service, the transformations, and why it is so incredibly important that you sell the heck out of it. This will give you the 🔥🔥🔥 to activate your magnetism in your sales content. 

Module 3

Magnetic Messaging

(already inside your vault)

One of the biggest “problem-areas” I see when it comes to creating sales content and selling programs, is What is my Message? I have a breathwork for that. In this module, we drop you out of your head where all the shoulds live, and into your heart and your soul, where your ACTUAL message lives, and we pull it out. This gives you message clarity and the conviction to speak it.

Module 4

Ideal Client Clarity + Energetics

(already inside your vault)

Who are you for?! Who are you NOT for? In this module, you not only allow yourself to deeply connect with your soulmate clients, but you also pull out the messaging that will speak directly to them. You align your energy with theirs and establish the energetic tether that pulls you together.

Module 5

Conviction in your Audience and Buyers

(already inside your vault)

You can’t be dogging on your audience and expect to make sales. (do we still say “dogging”? - I didn’t think so…) But in all seriousness, you can’t be down on your audience and expect them to buy. You have to have conviction in them and their journey. You have to activate their personal power to make the decision to buy. You have to MOVE them into action and show them how hard you believe in them (NOTE: You cannot believe in/want it MORE for your clients - that just won’t work). This module connects you not only to your audience (no matter how big or how small) it also solidifies your belief and conviction in them so you can speak directly to their desires and magnetize the soulmate clients.

Module 6

Conviction in You

(already inside your vault)

ohhhhh this is one of my favorite + most breathed module. You need conviction in your product, yes, you also need conviction in your audience. But one of the most important pieces you absolutely NEED, is conviction in YOU, belief in YOU, and the understanding that the way for you to expand, the way for you to create more money, sales, and clients in your business, is by you standing in your power, owning who you are, and saying HERE I AM!

Module 7

Aligned Pricing

(already inside your vault)

Is it too expensive? Is it not enough? There is an art and magic to pricing, but it’s not what you think. There isn’t some magical sweet spot that works for everyone. It’s about finding the aligned pricing for YOU. This module does just that. You can use it over and over again for different programs or even for the same one as you develop it and grow it. 

Module 8

Rewiring Expectations

(already inside your vault)

Do you have expectations for your launch? How many people you think you “should” get? How you are “supposed” to show up? How much people should comment or like or participate? We HAVE to let it go and this module helps you do that. Get out of expectations, because expectations are literally the killer of creativity and flow, and into FUN and magnetism. This is the magic of selling and launching. Releasing the expectations and selling with your HEART and your SOUL. 

Module 9

Selling is Service

(already inside your vault)

In this module we dive into your relationship with sales. You gotta love it. You have to release any sales traumas, or thoughts you have around sales being sleezy or wrong. You get to step into a loving relationship with sales so you can sell without any of the gunk or heaviness, negative thoughts, or fears. This allows you to show up powerfully for any sales event, any piece of sales content, and GIVE because you want to give. It is literally your RESPONSIBILITY to sell your amazing services, or else they won’t buy and they won’t get the transformation they desire. You want to receive the “Thank Yous” over and over again from the people who choose to pay you. This is where you do that. 

Module 10

Claiming Your Expertise

(already inside your vault)

It’s time you claim your space. No matter where that “space” is. Whether it is two steps ahead of your ideal clients, or two miles, you claim it because you can help them. You are here, with these skills, with this understanding for a reason, and it’s YOUR TIME to own it and step into your power here. In this module, you get to access who you are on a deeper level so that you can magnetize your soulmate clients just by being you, by showing who you are, by speaking about your topic with conviction and embodiment, and leading them to the sale. 

The Integrative Action Modules

These are shorter (generally 8-12 minute long) powerful breathworks designed to shift your state and activate your clarity and magnetism.

Some are already in your vault (will be noted) and many will be done live throughout the program.

People Love to Pay Me (already inside your vault)

Activating the Field for your next sale (already inside your vault)

Send Me The Link (already inside your vault)

The Fun Frequency (already inside your vault)

The Finish Line (already inside your vault)

Activating Energetic Realms of Clients (already inside your vault)

Instant Client Magnetism (already inside your vault)

Releasing The Timeline

Authentic Reach-outs + Follow-ups

Tantalizing Testimonials

Remembering Who You Are + Embracing the Expert Within (already inside your vault)

Magnetic Message [Sales Page] (already inside your vault)

100% of my clients get results with Money Breathwork

Here are just a few examples for you below...

$10k in 10 days and becoming a leader in her niche

Watch to hear Kierra's experience with Money Breathwork.

Left her job of 10 years and Confident AF

Watch to hear Tysons's journey with Money Breathwork.

What's inside your Year-Long Sales Alchemy Experience:


1-2 Live Programs/Year

We host a LIVE 4-week Sales Alchemy Events 1-2 times per year. You get access to all live events during your year in Sales Alchemy. Live events give opportunities for coaching, powerful group breakthroughs and energy, and an extra layer of accountability. There is a powerful energy during a live event, where everyone is doing the work TOGETHER. Each live event consists of SIX BRAND NEW Sales Alchemy Meditative Modules/Workshops and FOUR NEW Integrative Recordings.


March 2024

Value: $13,332


The Sales Alchemy Vault

You have INSTANT access to the Sales Alchemy Vault. The more you hang out in here, the bigger the breakthroughs, the more money you make (some breathe the same ones DAILY). Inside the vault, you already have access to 4+ transformational breathwork journeys and 4+ short powerful integrative breathworks. Every session is different.

Value: $3333


Monthly Continuation Workshops

Every month between live sessions, we host a LIVE Sales Alchemy Workshop. It's based on what's coming up within the group (so be ACTIVE) and where we need to go deeper into your relationship with sales. They are a place to meet live together as a group, connect, and breakthrough. The more you participate, the more these sessions will be catered to what you need in your sales and launching journey.

Value: $3996


Weekly Coaching + Personalized Recommendations

You have access to a private Facebook group where you have access to personalized coaching from me. I recommend popping into the group at least ONCE a week (more is ALWAYS welcome) and discussing where you currently are, your current struggles, and where you'd like to expand. I can then point you to the perfect module for you throughout our vault. We can create your OWN PERSONAL ROADMAP towards your sales expansion.

Value: $5328


Private Community + Sisterhood

We have cultivated a powerful, tight-knit community where you can go to celebrate, to ask questions, to connect, to FEEL. You get to GIVE support and RECEIVE support in your sales + money journey.

Value: $2222


Supplementary Materials

In addition to the breathwork workshops, there are supplementary exercises, "homework assignments", and additional journal prompts that deepen the work. There will also be worksheets provided for each workshop and a Sales Alchemy Journal that you can upload onto your favorite electronic journaling device or print [Coming Soon!].

Value: $1111

Watch Below to see the power of Money Breathwork

Clear on her offer, signing clients and embodying Belief like never before

Watch to hear Corinne's experience with Money Breathwork.

Taking Targeted Action, manifesting leads, and feeling better than ever

Watch to hear Jenns's journey with Money Breathwork.

A total value of: $25,989

Sales Summer Camp is NOW OPEN

Join now for $2497

A savings of 45%!

Still wondering if Money Breathwork will work for you?

100% Results Guaranteed

If you Join and you don't make your money back over the next year, here's what we will do...

My mission is for your business to grow. Your business growing is a reflection of you getting your SOUL WORK out into the world and getting PAID for it. So if you show up, do the work, you come to live workshops, you participate in the group, you breathe between live workshops, you complete all programs and STILL (I honestly DO NOT see this happening) don't cover your investment (aka make your money back), you will KEEP ACCESS until you do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I receive 1:1 access to Alessandra?

The access you get to Alessandra is both on the LIVE calls and inside the Facebook group. The more you participate, the more coaching and insight you will receive.

What time are the LIVE calls?

The live call times vary but are often in the morning MST or PST time between 9am-12pm. (Alessandra lives in Arizona which does not participate in daylight savings so half the year is PST and half the year MST). There are occasionally calls in the afternoon when needed, but they are typically in the morning.

This is a lot. I tend to fall behind in programs. How do I even start?

What I recommend is this, when you join, hop into the group and immediately put the live calls on your calendar to prioritize those. Then reflect on where you currently are in your business and where you desire help. Write a post in the group so I can identify the breathwork that would be most helpful in this area. You keep doing that, you'll get exactly what you need.

Breathwork is intense. Do I have to do it every day to get the results you speak about?

You do not have to do meditative (or integrative) breathwork every day to get results. I recommend 2-3 times per week for meditative sessions and peppering in integrative sessions as you go. If all you have time for is 1 or 2 per week, that will STILL move you forward and be highly beneficial to you.

Is there strategy coaching included?

As you will have access to the Booked Out Business Library, you will have the opportunity to ask questions inside the group. Many breathwork breakthroughs also lead to strategy questions, so sometimes there will be strategy coaching before or after breathwork during workshops.

When do I get access to the vault?

Instantly. You get access to all past recorded programs instantly upon registration and can begin diving in right away!

A $25,989 Value

The Sales Alchemy Experience

  • ONE Live 4-week Programs (VALUE $13332)

  • The Sales Alchemy Vault with 8+ workshops (VALUE $3333)

  • Monthly LIVE Continuation Workshops (VALUE $3996)

  • Weekly Coaching + Personalized Recommendations (VALUE $5328)

  • Private Community + Support (VALUE $2222)

  • Supplementary Materials + Accountability Exercises (VALUE $1111)

© Copyright 2023 Alessandra Caprice Coaching